Kuhse solenoids - everything from a single source
Since 1953 Kuhse develops and manufactures solenoids. Worldwide our customer receive standardized as well as customized electromagnetic solutions. We convince through a constant high quality of our products, services and particular strengths of delivery.
From our site in Winsen/Luhe we provide all services from a single source. The whole process chain from engineering to manufacturing up to delivery and After Sales Service is subject to our certified quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015.
Reliability, flexibility and transparency: We combine these attributes with our technical and specialist skills. The sum of the whole makes us to the solution provider for solenoids you can rely on.
1928: Foundation of Alfred Kuhse repair workshop for electric motors
1947: Purchase of the property 'An der Kleinbahn'
1948: Development and production of DC-solenoids
1995: Certification according to quality standard ISO-9001
2008: Moving to the new solenoid production at 'Max-Planck-Straße'
2013: Company was taken over by Managing Director Dr. Burghard Herrmann
2018: Business division solenoids operates on the market as an independent company called Kuhse Industrial Components GmbH
2020: Company was taken over by Managing Director Mr. Oliver Uhl